You are mine chapter 12



Sid lay on bed putting his head in Sana lap hiding his face in her tummy
Sana care his hair,

Sid- Naaz I want to share something to you.


Sid-I love my mom a lot she is everything for me Christopher lot a lot and I am never able to help her I am crush myself for not being that much stronger that time that I could save my mother.

Sana didn't get him but listen his words carefully.

Sana feel wet she find him crying tears are coming out from his eyes.

Sana  feel pain to see him like that ,
She make him look at and wife his ears softly Sidharth look at her eyes he hold her hand and give a case on her palm Sana smile.

Sid- she's just like you she love me a lot, used to tell me lots of stories fairy tales and sea knows that I am not that kind of boy but she used to pamper me like a cute little boy but I am so much from my childhood I don't like that all things but she used to you love me a lot and I love her she's my everything after the darkness filled my world I have any darkness but I don't want you to take in my dark world.

Sana-and your father,  she asked that question intentionally because he never talked about his father and. see don't know anything about his father.

And the next moment Siddhartha eyes turn red in anger he finished his hand in anger wake up from her lap and sit holding his head and pulling his hair in anger.

Sana get confused by his behavior why why somebody gets angry talking about his father .

Sana keep her hand on his shoulder ,
Sana-I am sorry please don't be angry .

Sid take a deep breath and look at her and he feel calm.

Sana- it's ok Siddharth if you don't want to say that totally fine first saying anything you have to first trust me  and when you feel that you can share in teaching me and you can.

She get up and turn to leave,But sid word make her shocked.

Sid- he killed my mother .

Sana after the words and look at him he is looking at floor there is no emotion on his face totally got blank that how can a husband killed her wife.

Sid- he used to torture my mum he is very cruel and women Heels To Ham her and one day because of him my mother attempt to suicide but it is not suicide he killed her.

A lone tears skip from his eyes.
Sana run and hug him tightly.
Sid didn't do anything he is sitting like statue.

Sid- he is not a man he is he don't have a humanity he is in human he never ever think about anyone his was doing what he want and always torture my mother.

Sid- he is very aggressive anger and I hate myself because I am his son and I have the same issue the anger issue .

After my mother death he leave me alone I don't know where is he gone away from us but after that everyone said I am his son I am just like him I Can't survive like a normal human his genetic inside me I am Sames is like he I am also going to torture and going to do bad with everyone I am is bad him.

And everyone is right also because I have anger issue because I can't control myself and that's why I don't want you to become anything from me because I know myself I am the son of that cruel man and I am also going to with that cruel man personal.

I also used to get angry and anything look what I did today I just slap ....

Before he complete Sana put her finger on his lips and stop him.

Both looked at Each Other both have Tears in their eyes they can feel their pain I don't want to lose her and she is trying to think that pain hi beird alone.

Sana- you are not a bad person like a fire that Sidharth trust me you are is good is your mother there is nothing like your bad person why you think like that you are your mother's son see make you a better person a great human beings you are not have any issue you are such a great human you don't know there are lots of people whom you have good and they pray for you .

I know who is Mr Siddharth Shukla and no one has tell anything bad about you is not beacause you are a businessman and a rich person is because you have a good human heart you are a good person and whatever your father is that does not mean that you are also so like him you are not you are is it is like your mother.

Never ever think that you are that man you are that woman son and a woman is stronger than anyone when she become a mother no one can stronger than a mother and your mother give you very good lesson you are a good son and you are a good friend also you always maintain your dignity never try to come close to me without my permission that is your humanity that is your goodness you know how to treat a person and about your anger issue there is no issue I am always there with you never think that you are a bad person.

Sid feel her words and a tears of happiness fell .
Sana shake her head in no for tears.

She move closer to him and put her lips on his eyes and kiss there .
Sid just feel her .

Sana POV
I don't know that much lawless inside you I am sorry that I didn't help you till now but I promise I will make a life is much colour fuel the runways I promise to give you that believe that you are best sidharth you are best .

Both hug each other and fell asleep.



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